
Showing posts from 2019

Believe in second chances.

 Keep your beliefs firm and intact in third, fourth and infinite number of more chances! You need to bear in mind at all times that – when something does not go your way, it is not the end. When you’ve reached a dead-end, take a U-Turn and take the other route. Also, here’s something that I believe in – you do not wait for second chances, you make them! One destination has several routes, on the road and in life. You and I are human beings. We are weak and imperfect. We may go wrong with our decisions, and we do carry regrets about our past. Sometimes we just give up, zone out and waste away a phase of our life. We’ve all been there – Everyone has walked on the wrong path at some point of their life; people have done it, people are doing it and people will continue to do it. In that way, we’re all the same. But what makes us different is the way we respond and react to our problems. In the end, all I want to say is that… Everything depends on your mind...

Learn to get back on your feet.

After you’ve been pushed onto the hard concrete ground by failure, what do you do? Most of us, give up, back off and never turn back. But here’s what you must do – cling onto something or someone, and pull yourself up. Then, walk – if possible, run – towards your goal again. Failures are a part of life, and failures are the stepping stones to success – do not let it put an end to your journey! The best example that I can give you here is a baby who is trying to walk. I’m sure you would’ve witnessed the heartwarming moment that leaves you in awe! The baby doesn’t learn at once, nor does it succeed in just one try. On day one, the baby takes one step and falls back. On day two, it takes a couple of more steps. With time, the baby starts to walk, and then doesn’t it learn to run around, too? Step by step, one by one – that’s how things work out in life. It takes time for things to work out. But we…we feed our minds with poison; we tell ourselves that it will never hap...

Stay positive

Positivity is a key component to building self-confidence. It’s what keeps you from beating yourself up after a setback or mistake. By  not accepting failure  and staying positive, you’ll actually help yourself become a more confident person.   Here's an example: If you’re trying to learn a new software at work, and you’re continually making mistakes, sure, you might be frustrated, but I’d bet you’re also learning a lot throughout the process. Once you’re finally able to iron out these issues and understand how to use the new software, you have proven to yourself that you can get through a challenging time. This should not only get you excited and make you feel confident about this specific situation, but it should also make you feel confident in your abilities to tackle another difficult project. It’s not always the stuff that comes naturally to you that makes you super confident. Instead, it’s usually the stuff you have to work really...

Self-belief and Self-confidence is the key.

Your belief and confidence in yourself will drive you to accomplish your permanent and temporary goals in your life; and trust me , you will achieve other great things in life . All you need  a wee bit of confidence  and belief in your own-self. Even if the whole world is rooting for you, and even if you’ve got hundreds and thousands of people to tell you that you can do it, you will not be able to pull it off until and unless you say it out, loud and firm, that “I CAN DO IT”. In order to succeed, you will have to play a duel role – you will have to be your leader, and your strongest and first supporter. Your voice should be the loudest of all.

A letter of confidence

Dear Self, Hi there! I just wanted to you something......         YOU CAN DO IT AND YOU WILL DO IT          BECAUSE YOU ARE CAPABLE TO         REACH YOUR  DESIRED DESTIATION,          AND ACCOMPLISH your goals. There will be moments in your life where you may think that all the doors are closed. You will have those days when you’ll feel that despite all the efforts you put in, you are not growing – or that your graph is dropping. Sometimes you’ll even feel that there is no point in trying because you have a gut feeling that you will fail. On some days, your spirit will be absolutely crushed and shattered. Life may look pointless. You’ll feel like the world’s biggest loser. You would want to quit trying, and you’d give up. This letter is for you to read when you are going through one of those days. Speaking of my own, I am a human being who is still learning in life so I...